
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Potty training a puppy

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

Potty training a puppy

Many owners take potty training a puppy as the most important thing to teach a doggie, so that there is no discomfort around the house. What most people don’t know is that when it comes to potty training a puppy, there are various differences between breeds, some being easier to train than others. So, if you haven’t made up your mind yet about which breed to choose, this aspect really needs to be taken into consideration. How difficult could potty training a puppy be? If you have the answer to this question, then you’re on the great way to a wonderful friendship.
When you’re potty training a puppy, you have to be reasonable with the very young ones. They simply have very little control of their bladders and bowels, so as soon as they realize they have to go, it is almost always too late to hold it. Therefore, potty training a puppy may be a patience exercise for you too, don’t get angry at it, since sometimes it is beyond control. Keep it off your carpets until you’re sure it is reliable. Now, let’s have a look at some basic tips for potty training a puppy. First of all, it is best to train the pup so as it works both indoors and outdoors.
The key to successful potty training a puppy is to take it to potty after every meal; make it a routine to take the pup out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you want to apply some general type of potty training for puppies, take the doggie on a leash to the spot you want it to use. After it potties, play with it for a while or offer it a reward so that the pup may grow up with a clear idea of what pleases you or not. Try to feed your puppy on dry food and at the same hour every day, this will give regularity to the animal’s bowel movements too.
Young animals need lots of water, so you may consider that when you’re potty training a puppy. Make sure it has a water bowl at day time, but take it away two hours at least before bedtime. This will allow you the chance of potty training the puppy more efficiently and also saves you the risk of nasty accidents over night. Make sure the spot where it potties is clean all the time, as dogs are very clean animals and they truly want to stay that way. For those of you who don’t feel like potty training a puppy the best solution is to buy an older dog that is trained for the matter.

Potty training a puppy

Potty training a puppy

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

Potty training a puppy

Many owners take potty training a puppy as the most important thing to teach a doggie, so that there is no discomfort around the house. What most people don’t know is that when it comes to potty training a puppy, there are various differences between breeds, some being easier to train than others. So, if you haven’t made up your mind yet about which breed to choose, this aspect really needs to be taken into consideration. How difficult could potty training a puppy be? If you have the answer to this question, then you’re on the great way to a wonderful friendship.
When you’re potty training a puppy, you have to be reasonable with the very young ones. They simply have very little control of their bladders and bowels, so as soon as they realize they have to go, it is almost always too late to hold it. Therefore, potty training a puppy may be a patience exercise for you too, don’t get angry at it, since sometimes it is beyond control. Keep it off your carpets until you’re sure it is reliable. Now, let’s have a look at some basic tips for potty training a puppy. First of all, it is best to train the pup so as it works both indoors and outdoors.
The key to successful potty training a puppy is to take it to potty after every meal; make it a routine to take the pup out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you want to apply some general type of potty training for puppies, take the doggie on a leash to the spot you want it to use. After it potties, play with it for a while or offer it a reward so that the pup may grow up with a clear idea of what pleases you or not. Try to feed your puppy on dry food and at the same hour every day, this will give regularity to the animal’s bowel movements too.
Young animals need lots of water, so you may consider that when you’re potty training a puppy. Make sure it has a water bowl at day time, but take it away two hours at least before bedtime. This will allow you the chance of potty training the puppy more efficiently and also saves you the risk of nasty accidents over night. Make sure the spot where it potties is clean all the time, as dogs are very clean animals and they truly want to stay that way. For those of you who don’t feel like potty training a puppy the best solution is to buy an older dog that is trained for the matter.

Potty training a puppy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What is the best dog training trick?

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

What is the best dog training trick?

There are hundreds of dog training tricks, some are just basic commands, and others represent complex exercises. No matter what dog training tricks you intend to teach your dog, remember that the learning place mustn't have any distracting element that could get the dog’s attention. Any exercise must contain many rewards as raising your voice won't make the dog understand what you want, it will just get scared. Also remember that dog training tricks require a longer time interval to be taught, as too fast learning is almost impossible for any animal. Don't leave your dog lose interest; simply stop when you feel tired or frustrated because the teaching process is too slow.

One of the best dog training tricks that everybody knows is the “Hello”, most of the audience will be impressed when your dog presents the paw. This is one of the first dog training tricks you can teach your pet. The following steps will help the pet learn further dog training tricks: make your dog sit in front of you, lift its paw gently and shake it easily, when you shake its paw reward it somehow. Repeat this dog training trick procedure constantly and don’t let it go unnoticed no matter the results. After the dog has learned to raise the paw when you stretch your hand in front, start repeating the word “Hello” each time the dog presents its paw. Though it is a simple dog training trick it always brings a smile on the face of any visitor and especially children, they will simply love it instantly.

Another dog training trick is the “Carry” command; it is both funny and useful. Most dogs love carrying bags and though it might look like a difficult to teach dog training trick it is not. The learning process consists of three steps. First, the dog will get used to “Hold” things and not the ones it likes but any object. Each time it takes the object from your hand reward it. After it got used with this command try the “Release” order and give it a reward each time it drops the object in your hands. The last step of this dog training trick consists of teaching the dog to effectively carry a bag; this is simply learned by commanding the dog to hold an object while moving several steps. Call it and when it’s near you give the “Release” command. If you wish to find out about more dog training tricks visit where you will find everything you need to know about dogs.

What is the best dog training trick?

Dog Health Information

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

Dog health information

Having a pet implies an assumed responsibility: you are going to provide for the animal and look after it. Therefore, it is more than sure you will need lots of dog health information, regardless of whether you’ve got a puppy or an adult dog. Fortunately there are very many sources that you may turn to for dog health information and the first one to try is the vet or the breeder. Mention should be made that sometimes dog health information is different according to breed specificity: there may be very vigorous breeds, but there are also some weaker ones that require extra care.

Dog health information is one click away if you choose to surf the net for the details you need on how to raise a dog. If you take a puppy from a professional breeder for instance, make sure you get all the dog health information necessary for the future: vaccination and de-worming as well as any specific dysfunctions or weaknesses. All dog health information should be included in the contract you sign with the dog breeder, where you also have the pedigree warranty. Many buyers choose to have the dog health information provided by the breeder checked by a vet.

Thus, it is not uncommon practice to take the vet with you and have him or her examine the puppy before you buy it. Very detailed dog health information is crucial when it comes to breeding and raising pure pedigree and future champions. Anyone who would pay a few hundred if not thousands dollars on a pet would like to have a medical evaluation of the animal. But, getting back to regular dog owners, quick access to dog health information is very important when you care enough to provide what’s best for your pet. For instance, little do people know that processed food is not the ideal dog meal.

Specialized magazines, professional sites such as, dog raising guides and so on, all provide very comprehensive dog health information. If every dog owner had at least the general picture of what it is good for the dog, neglect would be no longer such an issue. Many of those who volunteer for home fostering dogs from rescue centers use the knowledge and the dog health information any dog owner should have. Therefore, with every visit you make to the vet, try to get even more dog health information for your friend’s sake.

Dog Health Information

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dog Training Book Review

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs.

Dog Training Book Review

Having been a dog trainer for a number of years now,i have been searching for any new information that could improve the way we train our dogs both by saving time and enhancing efficacy.During my search i came along an ultimate dog training book that makes effective puppy training a 7 day affair.The Dog Training Book is a complete A to Z course on how to start house training your puppy.This is a step by step manual on how to completely housebreak your new puppy only in 7 days.The dog training book am talking about includes a free training session schedule that makes the whole process the simplest.I have followed this schedule for sometime now with excellent results.If you are really interested in housebreaking your puppy next week by starting your puppy training today then click here to get the training session schedule for free.
The Dog Training Book takes care of the most important stage in dog training-when the dog has the most ability to learn.The dog training book explains when the best time to train a puppy is, for best results and how to do it the right way.With this course you will solve the popping,chewing and behavior problems that are driving your family crazy.If you want your dream to come true and achieve success after success then proceed to this puppy training system.
I have used the system and I have recommended it to a couple of my friends who have had excellent results beyond their expectation.You will get all the important and crucial puppy training and caring methods.Skip the nonsense stuff so that you wont waste time and money.In fact a 10yr old can understand the manual and use it effectively-how easy it is.The ultimate dog training system only for serious trainers is finally here

Dog Training Book Review

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dog Health Care

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

Dog health care

Dog health care is such a vast domain that you would need really specific problems to focus on in order to cover the issues you’re interested in. Among the main dog health care problems we may say that the most frequent ones are fleas, worms and poisons. If these are not professionally taken care of, other very serious troubles may be expected. Worms and external parasites waste the dog’s body of nutrients and energy; plus dog health care providers insist that neglected dogs are full of toxins because of the parasite overgrowth.

Here are some dog health care tips to be used when dealing with worms, fleas or various poisons the dog comes into contact. Puppies need de-worming as early as two or three weeks with the procedure repeated at four or six weeks of age. Dog health care specialists claim that worm immunity in puppies doesn’t appear sooner than six months of age, and the worm larvae pass from mother to puppies. In order to meet the dog health care requirements you need to remove all stools from your garden, keep the lawn cut short and make sure you feed your dog on thoroughly cooked meat.

Fleas are the next dog health care problem under discussion here, and to a certain extent they are responsible for the possible tapeworms they may carry. Fleas and lice are easy to deal with; thanks to the many shampoos, collars or special drops, this dog health care issue has become piece of cake. Do not use human shampoo to wash your dog as it will completely degrease the fur and afterwards the dog’s skin would have to secret even more oil to compensate for the deficit. Anti-flea sprays, powders, collars or any other products can be purchased from any dog health care store. However, it’s good to ask the vet in the first place too.

Make sure that you keep your dog away from any potentially harmful substances that may lead to poisoning. Dog health care specialists point out that rapid intervention in the poisoning cases is crucial for saving the animal’s life. If you think your dog may have ingested some toxic chemical, try to give it some fresh milk as a first aid measure and call your vet immediately. For more dog health care tips you can visit dog health care, a professional and resourceful site for dog owners and breeders.

Dog Health Care

Monday, October 20, 2008

How To Train A Dog Quickly

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

How to train a dog quickly

Many dog owners are in search of a rapid answer to how to train a dog quickly. For such an urging necessity there are not too many answers, since by “quickly” we don’t mean hours or days but at least a couple of weeks. If you’re wondering how to train a dog quickly you probably also need to know that it is absolutely necessary to practice with the dog as much as possible for the skills to actually develop. Otherwise, training may prove highly ineffectively. Those who want to find out how to train a dog quickly should first turn to special training centres.

Daily intensive practice is the first rule when you learn how to train a dog quickly. For instance, you need to get the dog’s attention that is to establish eye contact with it. Use a piece of meat out of the dog’s reach, reward the animal only when it responds to the name or the stimulus and looks at you. If you really want to learn how to train a dog quickly, you need to set the rules and make the dog play by them all the time. You’ll have to spend constant periods of time together applying the newly-learned stuff.

Don’t insist if the dog shows signs of fatigue, there’s no need to exhaust the dog as learning under such circumstances is ineffective. It may even be detrimental to insist to train a dog quickly. Don’t forget that there are lots of guide books and videos on how to train a dog quickly, and they all mention the need to do everything in the most relaxed way possible, so that neither you nor the animal feel pressure of any kind. It should take at least a week before a skill is developed and only with continuous exercise it will become permanent.

For those who want to learn how to train a dog quickly the following site may be of great help. This site enables you to find out how to make your life easier with an obedient and reliable pet. Therefore, the question how to train a dog quickly is no longer an issue, once you learn the best way to trigger correct responses from your pet. You can choose to train your dog at home or in a special centre, but whichever be the approach, you’ll have to be an active part involved. Have fun!

How To Train a Dog Quickly

Friday, October 10, 2008

Free Dog Training Tips

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs.

Free Dog Training Tips

The internet is the best and probably the most comprehensive source of information in the world; so if you are looking for free dog training tips to improve the relationship with your four-legged friend,run a simple search and what what you can find out.If you are wondering about the reliability of the free dog training tips online, there is one way to get convinced,try them and see if there is any noticeable progress in your dog's behavior patterns.If the internet doesn't suit your purposes,a friend who is also a dog owner may fill you in some free dog training tips.

It is known fact that the greatest advantage about applying free dog training tips is that owners often don't have enough time to devote to their pet.However,you can practice the ''sit'' command together with other free dog training tips at any moment; you don't need in any preparation for that.You may even turn your attention to the dog during a commercial break for instance, or when playing ''fetch''.Before throwing the ball,you can apply a simple free dog training or command: ''sit'' or ''down'' and continue with the game after the dog obeys it.

Many free dog training tips will help you teach your dog target focus: the simplest form of the kind is paw or touch.You actually get the animal focus on a specific area and the perform a certain action afterward.Such free dog training tips are used in competitions as well as in daily life,when you want for instance to turn the pet's attention from you.Moving and finding a specific place are forms of targeting and they are considered to be the first steps towards retrieving.Free dig training applied for the matter will make you improve the relationship the pet,it will move away from the coach for instance.

For professional free dog training tips it is a good idea to have a look at the following site by clicking this link.People who actually apply free dog training tips find it very entertaining for both parts involved; keep in mind that the first to benefit is your pet.By sticking to some dog training tips not only will you save money,but you'll also avoid specific mistakes that dog owners make,thus ruining their chances of ever growing an obedient animal.

Free Dog Training Tips.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dog Breeds

Welcome to my dog breeds blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to breed dogs.