
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What is the best dog training trick?

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

What is the best dog training trick?

There are hundreds of dog training tricks, some are just basic commands, and others represent complex exercises. No matter what dog training tricks you intend to teach your dog, remember that the learning place mustn't have any distracting element that could get the dog’s attention. Any exercise must contain many rewards as raising your voice won't make the dog understand what you want, it will just get scared. Also remember that dog training tricks require a longer time interval to be taught, as too fast learning is almost impossible for any animal. Don't leave your dog lose interest; simply stop when you feel tired or frustrated because the teaching process is too slow.

One of the best dog training tricks that everybody knows is the “Hello”, most of the audience will be impressed when your dog presents the paw. This is one of the first dog training tricks you can teach your pet. The following steps will help the pet learn further dog training tricks: make your dog sit in front of you, lift its paw gently and shake it easily, when you shake its paw reward it somehow. Repeat this dog training trick procedure constantly and don’t let it go unnoticed no matter the results. After the dog has learned to raise the paw when you stretch your hand in front, start repeating the word “Hello” each time the dog presents its paw. Though it is a simple dog training trick it always brings a smile on the face of any visitor and especially children, they will simply love it instantly.

Another dog training trick is the “Carry” command; it is both funny and useful. Most dogs love carrying bags and though it might look like a difficult to teach dog training trick it is not. The learning process consists of three steps. First, the dog will get used to “Hold” things and not the ones it likes but any object. Each time it takes the object from your hand reward it. After it got used with this command try the “Release” order and give it a reward each time it drops the object in your hands. The last step of this dog training trick consists of teaching the dog to effectively carry a bag; this is simply learned by commanding the dog to hold an object while moving several steps. Call it and when it’s near you give the “Release” command. If you wish to find out about more dog training tricks visit where you will find everything you need to know about dogs.

What is the best dog training trick?

Dog Health Information

Learn about dogs and how to keep them including breeding dogs

Dog health information

Having a pet implies an assumed responsibility: you are going to provide for the animal and look after it. Therefore, it is more than sure you will need lots of dog health information, regardless of whether you’ve got a puppy or an adult dog. Fortunately there are very many sources that you may turn to for dog health information and the first one to try is the vet or the breeder. Mention should be made that sometimes dog health information is different according to breed specificity: there may be very vigorous breeds, but there are also some weaker ones that require extra care.

Dog health information is one click away if you choose to surf the net for the details you need on how to raise a dog. If you take a puppy from a professional breeder for instance, make sure you get all the dog health information necessary for the future: vaccination and de-worming as well as any specific dysfunctions or weaknesses. All dog health information should be included in the contract you sign with the dog breeder, where you also have the pedigree warranty. Many buyers choose to have the dog health information provided by the breeder checked by a vet.

Thus, it is not uncommon practice to take the vet with you and have him or her examine the puppy before you buy it. Very detailed dog health information is crucial when it comes to breeding and raising pure pedigree and future champions. Anyone who would pay a few hundred if not thousands dollars on a pet would like to have a medical evaluation of the animal. But, getting back to regular dog owners, quick access to dog health information is very important when you care enough to provide what’s best for your pet. For instance, little do people know that processed food is not the ideal dog meal.

Specialized magazines, professional sites such as, dog raising guides and so on, all provide very comprehensive dog health information. If every dog owner had at least the general picture of what it is good for the dog, neglect would be no longer such an issue. Many of those who volunteer for home fostering dogs from rescue centers use the knowledge and the dog health information any dog owner should have. Therefore, with every visit you make to the vet, try to get even more dog health information for your friend’s sake.

Dog Health Information